News and articles from the Global Seafood Alliance, Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP), and Best Seafood Practices (BSP)

Featured image for BAP Spotlight Story: Unibio (India) Hatcheries Private Limited

BAP Spotlight Story: Unibio (India) Hatcheries Private Limited

The Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) certification program’s “Spotlight Stories” highlight BAP-certified facilities around the world and the stories of the people behind them. This Spotlight Story features Dr. Sasikumar Ponnusamy, Quality Control & Certification, from Unibio (India) Hatcheries Private Limited, a black tiger shrimp producer in India that attained BAP certification for its hatchery. Unibio 

Featured image for Ocean Experts Fisheries LLC is First Plant in Oman Certified to GSA’s Seafood Processing Standard

Ocean Experts Fisheries LLC is First Plant in Oman Certified to GSA’s Seafood Processing Standard

Ocean Experts Fisheries LLC based in Oman has achieved certification to the Seafood Processing Standard (SPS), the Global Seafood Alliance (GSA) has announced. Ocean Experts Fisheries is a leading fish processing company committed to delivering high-quality seafood products to customers worldwide. The company specializes in processing Mahi-Mahi, sardines, swordfish and tuna, and their products include 

Featured image for Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Environment Water & Agriculture Hosts BAP Workshop

Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Environment Water & Agriculture Hosts BAP Workshop

In November 2023, the Global Seafood Alliance, alongside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Environment, Water & Agriculture (MEWA), hosted a workshop on the progress of Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) certification in Saudi Arabia. The event was attended by some 40+ persons, including the Assistant Deputy Minister for Livestock & Fisheries of MEWA (Dr. 

Featured image for Hero Supermarket Endorses BAP, BSP Certification Programs

Hero Supermarket Endorses BAP, BSP Certification Programs

One of Indonesia’s largest retailers has endorsed the Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) and Best Seafood Practices (BSP) certification programs, the Global Seafood Alliance announced on December 11. Founded in 1971, Hero Supermarket has evolved into a leading modern retail company, holding fast to its business philosophy of providing different shopping experiences with added value to 

Featured image for GSA to Promote BAP Certification at Global Seafood Trade Fair in Guangzhou

GSA to Promote BAP Certification at Global Seafood Trade Fair in Guangzhou

The Global Seafood Alliance (GSA) is proud to announce it is partnering with event organizer Liang Zhi Long to help promote BAP-certified producers at the Global Seafood Trade Fair in Guangzhou, China, from June 20-22, 2024. The event is co-located with the 4th Cantonese Cuisine E-Commerce Fair 2024. GSA has signed a memorandum of understanding 

Featured image for Three Divisions of Indonesia’s Japfa Endorse BAP Certification Program

Three Divisions of Indonesia’s Japfa Endorse BAP Certification Program

The Global Seafood Alliance has further strengthened its presence in Southeast Asia with the addition of Japfa as a Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) endorser in Indonesia. This is the first company with a retail presence in Indonesia to formally commit to sourcing seafood from BAP-certified facilities. Japfa is a pan-Asian, industrial agri-food company that’s one 

Featured image for Seafood in solidarity

Seafood in solidarity

In January 2021, I penned an op-ed piece about the future of events for IntraFish. I cringed at the thought of rereading it two-and-a-half years later, fearful that the in the midst of the pandemic I had downplayed the significance of in-person events. But I didn’t. Instead, I wrote: “Grounded at home, we scrambled to 

Featured image for Member Feature: The Power of Insight. Introducing The New FALCON® BIOMASS

Member Feature: The Power of Insight. Introducing The New FALCON® BIOMASS

This blog post features one of GSA’s Corporate Members, MSD Animal Health. Corporate Membership is the closest way a company can align itself with GSA, and we thank MSD Animal Health for their support of the work GSA does to advance responsible seafood practices. MSD Animal Health has announced the launch of FALCON® Biomass, a powerful, 

Featured image for H-E-B, Giant Eagle, Wakefern Among Companies Signed on to GSA’s National Seafood Month Campaign

H-E-B, Giant Eagle, Wakefern Among Companies Signed on to GSA’s National Seafood Month Campaign

The Global Seafood Alliance is pleased to announce the launch of its second annual consumer campaign to celebrate October as National Seafood Month. The campaign “Choose Seafood with Standards” will focus on increasing consumer awareness of GSA’s Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) certification and driving sales of responsibly produced and sourced seafood. Building on the success 

Featured image for Azerbaijan Fish Farm LLC Becomes World’s First BAP-Certified Sturgeon Farm

Azerbaijan Fish Farm LLC Becomes World’s First BAP-Certified Sturgeon Farm

Azerbaijan Fish Farm LLC has achieved Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP), the Global Seafood Alliance (GSA) has announced. Azerbaijan Fish Farm is the first sturgeon breeding farm with a focus on caviar production to receive BAP certification. The certification not only recognizes AFF’s commitment to sustainability but also solidifies its position as the world’s first sturgeon 

Featured image for BAP Spotlight Story: MainStream Aquaculture

BAP Spotlight Story: MainStream Aquaculture

The Global Seafood Alliance’s “Spotlight Stories” highlight certified producers around the world and the stories of the people behind them. This Spotlight Story features MainStream Aquaculture, a BAP-certified barramundi producer in Australia. What inspired you to become involved in the seafood industry? Dr. Paul Harrison was inspired to feed the world with delicious, sustainably produced