Q&A with GAA Members from Africa, Asia, North America
Editor’s note: This year, the Global Aquaculture Alliance will spotlight various members dedicated to GAA’s mission of responsible aquaculture. Membership starts at only $50 for individuals and $5,000 for businesses. Start utilizing our extensive benefits. Featured this month are four GAA Members: Ibukunoluwa Olawepo-Johnson of the Nigeria Institute for Oceanography and Marine Research, Richard Gilmore of AgVisory, Ravi Kumar an Independent Aquaculture Consultant, and Ling Cao, professor in the School of Oceanography at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. These four members span three continents and are each doing big things within and for the aquaculture industry.
Tell us a little bit about your background.

Ibukunoluwa Olawepo-Johnson: I work with Nigeria Institute for Oceanography and Marine Research as an aquaculturist and fish health specialist.
Richard Gilmore: Richard (Dick) Gilmore holds a BS of Agricultural Economics from Ohio State University. He has been a member of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers (ASFMRA) since 1989 and received his ARA designation in 1995. In 2010, he was elected to the College of Fellows of the American Society of Appraisers and was awarded the FASA designation. He is also a designated member of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) and holds the Fellows or FRICS designation. He is now the Senior Vice President of AgVisory.
Ravi Kumar: I am an aquaculture professional serving industry for the last 21 years and counting.
Ling Cao: Ling Cao is an associate professor in the School of Oceanography at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. She completed her Ph.D. in Natural Resources and Environment at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Having grown up on a family fish farm in China and trained as an agronomist and environmental scientist, Ling has focused on interdisciplinary research within sustainable seafood production and environmental conservation.
Why did you join GAA?

Ibukunoluwa Olawepo-Johnson: I believe joining GAA will aid my learning from other experts in my field, as well as give me opportunities for collaboration on projects and increase my knowledge on other aspects of aquaculture, particularly in other countries.
Richard Gilmore: I joined GAA because of our work with aquaculture and mariculture clients when they are in need of bank and private equity finance.
Ravi Kumar: To interact with other professionals and to share knowledge. I want to help bring different technology advancements to domestic customers and farmers.
Ling Cao: I joined to work with key stakeholders in order to promote responsible and sustainable aquaculture.
What solutions does responsible aquaculture provide?

Ibukunoluwa Olawepo-Johnson: Responsible aquaculture leads to better management of the environment, waste water and aquatic resources. It also creates production of safer and high quality sea/freshwater food.
Richard Gilmore: We see aquaculture as the future of food for the world as animal agriculture and monoculture of corn and soybeans become more exposed to the light of consumer knowledge and preferences.
Ravi Kumar: Safe and nutritious food, biosecurity, best management practices and sustainability.
Ling Cao: Sustainable seafood that is produced in an environmentally friendly manner.
What three words that best describe the future of the industry?

Ibukunoluwa Olawepo-Johnson: Good farm practices & better management of resources, mentorship, and capacity development.
Richard Gilmore: Sustainable, local, and healthy.
Ravi Kumar: Dependable for a growing population, Sustainable, Profitable for all stakeholders.
Ling Cao: Environmentally sustainable, economically viable, socially acceptable.
Where is the most interesting place you’ve traveled to?
Ibukunoluwa Olawepo-Johnson: China Fijian Institute in Xiame.
Richard Gilmore: We work in the US and Puerto Rico. It is all interesting.
Ravi Kumar: Professionally, it was Madagascar.
Ling Cao: Japan.
Thanks for being a member, Ibukunoluwa, Richard, Ravi, and Ling!