Q&A with Aditya Dash of Ram’s Assorted Cold Storage
Editor’s note: This year, the Global Aquaculture Alliance will spotlight various members dedicated to GAA’s mission of responsible aquaculture. Membership starts at only $50 for individuals and $5,000 for businesses. Start utilizing our extensive benefits. Featured this month is Aditya Dash, managing director of Ram’s Assorted Cold Storage Ltd.

Tell us a bit about your background.
I completed my BBA in Finance from George Washington University, Washington D.C., in 2006. Initially, my entry into aquaculture was simply problem solving: how to pay off debts due to losses from the white spot outbreaks of the ‘90s, and how to monetize the remaining aquaculture assets. Slowly and steadily this problem solving exercise transformed into a life mission, using the power of sustainable aquaculture for developing coastal communities. My hobbies include reading and stand-up paddle boarding.
Why did you join GAA?
To take advantage of the MyGAA forum, and to get the email newsletters. However, I am not doing as much as I should be. Through GAA, I want to join the larger global movement that is supporting sustainable aquaculture.
What solutions does responsible aquaculture provide?
Poverty alleviation, women empowerment, food security. Responsible aquaculture in coastal communities provides a smooth way for a society to transform from an agrarian society to a manufacturing/services society.
What are the three words that best describe the future of the industry?
Sustainable, Ethical, Traceable.
Where is the most interesting place you’ve traveled to?
Five years ago, I took my car and drove along the coastline in India for two months. I offered a chef from Iceland lift from Kochi to Varkala in Kerala. She told me that for real travellers, it is not about seeing places, it is about meeting people and that is why India is a great destination. Varkala is a very scenic place, but more importantly it is a great place where you meet some of the most interesting people.
This year, GAA’s Global Outlook for Aquaculture Leadership (GOAL) conference is being held in Chennai, India, from Oct. 21 to 24. We look forward to seeing you there!
Thanks for being a GAA member, Aditya!