Articles in the Category BSP – News

Featured image for First UK-based Vessel Certified to Responsible Fishing Vessel Standard

First UK-based Vessel Certified to Responsible Fishing Vessel Standard

GSA is pleased to announce that several vessels in the UK have successfully certified to the Responsible Fishing Vessel Standard (RFVS). These initial United Kingdom-based vessels include 80-meter vessels in Scotland belonging to the Lunar Fishing Company and the Klondyke Fishing Company and single-handed vessels based in Norfolk. This helps to illustrate the inherent flexibility 

Featured image for First Vessel to Achieve Responsible Fishing Vessel Standard Announced

First Vessel to Achieve Responsible Fishing Vessel Standard Announced

GSA has announced that the first vessel to achieve the Responsible Fishing Vessel Standard (RFVS) has been awarded the RFVS certificate by Lloyds Register. The vessel, Antarctic Discovery, belongs to Australian Longline Fishing, operating in a Patagonian and Antarctic Toothfish fishery certified by the Marine Stewardship Certified. The 56m vessel carries a crew of 20-25, 

Featured image for New Edition of Seafood Processing Standard Addresses Outsourcing, Food Safety, Environmental Monitoring, Employee Health and Safety

New Edition of Seafood Processing Standard Addresses Outsourcing, Food Safety, Environmental Monitoring, Employee Health and Safety

The latest edition of the Seafood Processing Standard (SPS), which incorporates multiple clarifications and updates since the previous edition, has been released, the Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) third-party certification program announced on Nov. 16. SPS Issue 5.1 replaces SPS Issue 5.0, which was released in February 2019, and is mandatory for all facilities pursuing certification 

Featured image for Steaming Ahead with the Responsible Fishing Vessel Standard

Steaming Ahead with the Responsible Fishing Vessel Standard

In May 2020, following a two-year transparent and inclusive process Global Seafood Alliance, working with the UK Seafish Industry Authority, completed the development of the Responsible Fishing Vessel Standard. Completing a standard with due diligence and appropriate governance is an arduous process of research, consultation, and third-party oversight, but when the standard is complete a 

Featured image for GSA Officially Takes Ownership of the Responsible Fishing Vessel Standard

GSA Officially Takes Ownership of the Responsible Fishing Vessel Standard

The Global Seafood Alliance (GSA) is officially taking ownership of the Responsible Fishing Vessel Standard (RFVS) from Seafish on June 10, following a two-year, open and collaborative development process. RFVS, which is the next iteration of Seafish’s Responsible Fishing Scheme (RFS), is now publicly available. The Responsible Fishing Vessel Standard is a voluntary, vessel-based certification 

Featured image for Seafood Processing Plant Standards Benchmarked Against Latest Version of GFSI

Seafood Processing Plant Standards Benchmarked Against Latest Version of GFSI

The Global Aquaculture Alliance (GAA) seafood processing plant standards have been successfully benchmarked against the latest version of the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) food-safety requirements, GFSI announced on Nov. 6. The seafood processing plant standards now align with Version 7.1 of the GFSI Benchmarking Requirements. GFSI is continually evolving its benchmarking requirements to reflect the 

Featured image for Public Comment Sought for Expanded Seafood Processing Standards

Public Comment Sought for Expanded Seafood Processing Standards

GSA’s Seafood Processing Standards are now available for public comment, the Global Aquaculture Alliance announced on May 2. The 60-day public comment period ends on July 1. The GSA Seafood Processing Standards are the first and only seafood-specific processing plants standards for both farmed and wild seafood. Based on the Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) Seafood