Health & Welfare

Persistent biofilms problematic in aquaculture, food processing

Resistant to antibacterial agents and heat, biofilms are difficult to remove from food-processing surfaces and may result in persistent pathogen populations. 

All about Listeria
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All about Listeria

The pathogenic bacterium Listeria monocytogenes is present in the environment and easily transferred to food and food contact surfaces. 

Scombrotoxins, part 3
Article image for Scombrotoxins, part 3

Health & Welfare

Scombrotoxins, part 3

While freez­ing, salting, smoking and irradiation can minimize growth biogenic amine formation, special care from harvest through consumption can prevent scombrotoxin poisoning. 

Scombrotoxins, part 2
Article image for Scombrotoxins, part 2

Health & Welfare

Scombrotoxins, part 2

Since biogenic amines are a health issue in seafood, harves­ters and processors should understand what conditions encourage their formation, where they form in fish, and how they are affected by bacterial flora. 

Scombrotoxins, part 1
Article image for Scombrotoxins, part 1

Health & Welfare

Scombrotoxins, part 1

Without proper control of sea­food handling and processing, high amino acid content and bacterial activity can rapidly elevate concentrations of biogenic amines like scombrotoxins.