Health & Welfare
Biotech-feed giant partnership to explore bacteriophage potential
Fish health and welfare in aquaculture could soon be assisted by the most abundant organism on the planet, if a new partnership nets its intended result.
Donald Lightner, pre-eminent shrimp pathology researcher and longtime head of the University of Arizona Aquaculture Pathology Laboratory, has died.
Health & Welfare
Fish health and welfare in aquaculture could soon be assisted by the most abundant organism on the planet, if a new partnership nets its intended result.
Alabama-based startup is developing a conveyor belt system to culture microalgae in less space than raceways and with a more efficient collection system.
Innovation & Investment
Hatch Blue’s fourth cohort performed their pitches online for the first time, showcasing a spectrum of aquaculture product and service businesses.
NovoNutrients will join FEED-X, an initiative to transform the “sustainability performance” of value chains linked to climate change and biodiversity loss.
GOAL 2020 keynote speaker Peer Ederer says the solution to closing food security gaps doesn’t include abandoning animal proteins and finger pointing.
Innovation & Investment
An alternative aquaculture feed ingredient made in the American Plains is a finalist for GAA’s annual Global Aquaculture Innovation Award.
La acuacultura mundial, particularmente el camarón cultivado, depende de la artemia para alimentos en los criaderos. Los suministros satisfacen las necesidades actuales, pero el crecimiento requerirá alternativas.
Global aquaculture, particularly farmed shrimp, depends on artemia for hatchery feeds. Supplies meet current needs, but growth will require alternatives.
Hay lecciones que aprender para la acuacultura en medio de la pandemia de coronavirus que está impactando la vida y los negocios en todos los niveles. Exploramos algunas perspectivas.
Innovation & Investment
There are lessons to be learned for aquaculture amid the coronavirus pandemic that's impacting life and business at every level. We explore a few perspectives.
Health & Welfare
Polish pathogen diagnostics group will soon launch a test system that can identify the costly pancreatic disease (and six others) in just 10 minutes.
C-level seafood executives from around the world gathered at the North Atlantic Seafood Forum to discuss pressing issues facing fisheries and aquaculture.
Los fabricantes de alimentos acuícolas de todo el mundo que buscan alternativas a la harina de pescado pronto podrán recurrir a un cultivo abundante y subutilizado: la cebada.
Dutch team behind “Aquaculture Pioneers” aims to portray cutting-edge fish farming around the world when it is released in 2021.
Aquafeed manufacturers around the world seeking alternatives to fishmeal may soon be able to turn to an abundant and underutilized crop: barley.