Health & Welfare
Managing nitrifying bacteria in biofloc culture of Pacific white shrimp
It is possible to maintain a microbial community in artificial substrates, after a period of absence of shrimp, aeration and even water.
Health & Welfare
Study shows L. vannamei are better suited to catch biofloc as a supplementary feed with better grow-out performance when compared to F. brasiliensis.
Health & Welfare
It is possible to maintain a microbial community in artificial substrates, after a period of absence of shrimp, aeration and even water.
Health & Welfare
Pacific white shrimp reared with green and red lights grew much larger but showed little differences for survival, feed conversion or productivity.
Health & Welfare
La evaluación de tres sistemas de aireación mostró que los inyectores de aire de boquillas producían una mayor diversidad de microorganismos, desarrollo de biofloc y productividad general del camarón.
Health & Welfare
Evaluating three aeration systems showed that air-injector nozzles produced greater microorganism diversity, biofloc development, overall shrimp productivity.
El estudio evalúa un análogo de harina de pescado a diferentes niveles de inclusión de proteína en dietas para camarones blancos del Pacífico criados en un sistema de cultivo con tecnología biofloc.
Study evaluates a fishmeal analog at different protein inclusion levels in diets for Pacific white shrimp reared in a biofloc technology culture system.
Este estudio evaluó la importancia de la intensidad de aireación para el proceso de nitrificación en biopelículas en sistemas acuícolas con tecnología de biofloc intensiva.
This study evaluated the importance of aeration intensity for the nitrification process in biofilm in intensive biofloc technology aquaculture systems.
Health & Welfare
Un estudio determinó el rendimiento zootécnico del camarón blanco del Pacífico bajo diferentes regímenes de luz. Los camarones expuestos a la luz tienen mejores parámetros zootécnicos que aquellos con exposición reducida o nula.
Health & Welfare
A study determined the zootechnical performance of Pacific white shrimp under different light regimes. Shrimp exposed to light had better zootechnical parameters than those with reduced or no exposure.
Innovation & Investment
Zero-exchange biofloc systems allow elevated stocking densities and production, but also require more dissolved oxygen and thorough water circulation. A new type of air injector uses only a centrifugal pump to recirculate water while naturally aspirating ambient air.
Health & Welfare
In a study, “pre-fertilization” in the nursery phase of a biofloc system for shrimp was tested. The objective was to accelerate the biofloc formation to minimize ammonia concentrations, avoiding high peaks during culture.
Research at the Texas AgriLife Research Mariculture Laboratory is investigating ways to improve the economic viability of super-intensive raceways for shrimp production.