Health & Welfare
What can coho salmon teach us about sea lice resistance in Atlantic salmon?
Studying coho salmon’s sea lice resistance could lead to genetic advances to better protect Atlantic salmon, Nofima scientists say.
Apps, traps and vaccines are among the innovative solutions for the costly sea lice challenge in salmon aquaculture.
Health & Welfare
Studying coho salmon’s sea lice resistance could lead to genetic advances to better protect Atlantic salmon, Nofima scientists say.
Health & Welfare
A new tool is being developed to improve sea lice predictions and enhance fish health with more reliable, consistent data.
The University of Glasgow has received £3 million in funding for farmed salmon health and seaweed aquaculture research.
Health & Welfare
SAIC funds research to fine-tune a cleaner fish vaccination, potentially improving sea lice control in salmon farming.
The Sustainable Aquaculture Innovation Centre (SAIC) has awarded funding to assess the efficacy of novel sea lice vaccine technology.
Health & Welfare
A new oral vaccine using reverse vaccinology and artificial intelligence may help with sea lice challenges faced by the aquaculture industry.
Researchers are exploring the use of underwater holographic cameras and artificial intelligence technology to identify sea lice in the ocean.
Health & Welfare
Viruses may prevent "explosions" in sea lice populations, offering a natural control agent for salmon parasites, according to a UBC study.
Sea lice prevention technologies are big business in Norway. Several solutions were on display at the North Atlantic Seafood Forum in Bergen.
Health & Welfare
A scientific report has concluded that sea lice on farmed salmon do not impact sea lice levels on wild juvenile salmon in British Columbia.
Innovation & Investment
AKVA Group says recent trials reveal low sea lice numbers and reduced treatments when using its deep-water aquaculture technology.
Innovation & Investment
Sea lice plague salmon farms globally, but scientists and aquaculture are turning to technology to prevent and manage the pests.
Health & Welfare
Novel study uses fully automated L. salmonis eDNA quantification for autonomous water sample analysis of gene targets to monitor parasitic loads.
Health & Welfare
Scotland will host the biennial International Sea Lice Conference in 2024, after a successful bid led by SAIC.
Health & Welfare
A Nofima-led study is exploring the possibilities of using gene editing to make salmon more resistant to sea lice.