
With entrenched aquaculture views, Alaska weighs its future in farming

The word aquaculture is a dirty one in Alaska, where finfish farming is firmly prohibited. But if your farm fits a certain description, permits to proceed can indeed be obtained. 

Behold the nutritious oyster
Article image for Behold the nutritious oyster


Behold the nutritious oyster

Oysters provide important, natural filtration of water and are an important component of many healthy coastal ecosystems because their active filtering can help improve and maintain water quality. For many coastal communities, oysters are an important food resource and excellent sources of protein and amino acids, zinc, selenium, iron and B-vitamins. 

We built this city on oyster shells
Article image for We built this city on oyster shells

Innovation & Investment

We built this city on oyster shells

When Seattle decided to rebuild the seawall separating its waterfront from Puget Sound, it turned to a bivalve byproduct for a unique, environmentally friendly material for an hospitable marine habitat. The city wanted its design and materials as pragmatic and beneficial for its underwater residents as for those using the parks, paths and services above ground.