Health & Welfare
Study reveals how salmon adapt to low hydrogen sulfide in RAS
Study shows salmon can adapt to low hydrogen sulfide in recirculating aquaculture systems, improving fish health and aquaculture practices.
Apps, traps and vaccines are among the innovative solutions for the costly sea lice challenge in salmon aquaculture.
Health & Welfare
Study shows salmon can adapt to low hydrogen sulfide in recirculating aquaculture systems, improving fish health and aquaculture practices.
Health & Welfare
Studying coho salmon’s sea lice resistance could lead to genetic advances to better protect Atlantic salmon, Nofima scientists say.
Health & Welfare
A new Nofima study reveals that mechanical delousing and fast growth negatively impact salmon fillet color.
Nofima researchers find that selective breeding yields faster-growing microalgae that produce more omega-3 fatty acids crucial to aquafeeds.
Health & Welfare
The vaccine for Moritella viscosa, which causes winter ulcers, performs better if developed with the correct strain of bacteria, Nofima says.
Nofima researchers say that recent feeding trials show insect meal and a byproduct of black soldier fly processing can help salmon grow well.
A Nofima trial explores whether whole or processed lumpfish can boost the appetite and feed intake in small king crabs.
Health & Welfare
Nofima's DeepVision project explores how hyperspectral cameras can improve the speed and accuracy of fish welfare assessments in aquaculture.
Nofima scientists aim to expand knowledge of potentially toxic elements in cultivated sugar kelp and wild-harvested kelp and seaweed.
Norwegian research institute Nofima has developed methods for the rapid measurement of omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA in salmon fillets.
Health & Welfare
Scientists have developed a genomic selection tool that can lift cod breeding from family to individual selection, increasing genetic gain.
Supercooling Norwegian salmon could save the industry $150 million annually in transport costs, says a Nofima report.
Are Norwegian salmon fillets getting paler? Researchers there are poring over pigmentation data to find commonalities in the color of salmon.
A new tool called the "spill box" separates uneaten fish feed from the aquaculture wastewater so it can be recycled back to the salmon.
Aquaterra® Advanced Omega-3 canola oil is shown to improve the visual and nutritional quality of farmed salmon when included in their diets.