Can seagrass and mangrove restoration help mitigate ocean acidification and climate change?
Researchers suggest seagrass and mangrove restoration could also remove carbon through a novel pathway while combating ocean acidification.
Study reports that only up to 20 percent of carbon, 45 percent of nitrogen and 60 percent of phosphorus are assimilated by cultured fish.
Researchers suggest seagrass and mangrove restoration could also remove carbon through a novel pathway while combating ocean acidification.
Researchers are growing kelp seedlings on ‘green gravel’ and then scattering them on the ocean floor, where they’ll hopefully anchor and flourish.
The aquaculture value chain can significantly reduce carbon emissions with innovations in feed, transportation and operations.
Prof. Claude Boyd on the importance of carbon-nitrogen ratios for pond fertilization and biofloc systems, and the relevance of precise carbohydrate inputs.
A recent study at the Federal University of Rio Grande in Brazil showed that it is possible to reduce the C:N ratio in biofloc cultures, to decrease the water volume used and the total suspended solids produced, with resulting savings.
Nitrogen and phosphorus are the most important nutrients in fertilization of both freshwater and coastal ponds. Many factors that can affect the response of ponds to fertilizers are location-specific. Aquaculture pond managers will have to figure out the best procedure for a given location or even for an individual pond.
A carbon footprint is an estimate of the total carbon emissions resulting from the production, use and disposal of a product or service. Carbon footprints for aquaculture products result mainly from the use of manufactured feed and mechanical aeration.
Regulatory frameworks and financial incentives may be required to fully realize the benefits of integrated multi-trophic aquaculture systems.
Although 16.6 million metric tons of carbon are annually buried in aquaculture ponds, estimated carbon emissions for culture species have approached several metric tons of carbon per metric ton of aquaculture product.
Carbon-nitrogen (C:N) ratio is an important variable related to soil fertility. Intensive ponds have lower C:N ratios, while higher ratios are found in extensive ponds and those constructed in organic soil.