Innovation & Investment
Aqua-Spark acquires stake in biotech company Hofseth Biocare
Aqua-Spark has acquired a stake in Norwegian biotech company Hofseth Biocare, which valorizes farmed salmon byproducts for consumer goods.
Byproducts from aquaculture can increase the industry’s sustainability and contribute to other sectors like diet supplements, cosmetics and animal feeds, a new study concludes.
Innovation & Investment
Aqua-Spark has acquired a stake in Norwegian biotech company Hofseth Biocare, which valorizes farmed salmon byproducts for consumer goods.
Use of fish trimmings and byproducts in fishmeal and fish oil is a win for aquaculture. But challenges loom, including logistics and economics.
With byproducts representing between 25 to 50 percent of the weight of various fish species, we need to be looking at how the entire fish is being used: even the heads, guts and skin.
Gorjan Nikolik, senior industry analyst for Rabobank, presented on fishmeal’s transformation from commodity to a “high-priced strategic protein” at the Global Aquaculture Alliance’s annual GOAL conference in Vancouver. See the full video of his presentation.
Gamma irradiation treatment presents a possible processing technique for reducing anti-nutrients and improving the nutritive quality of many feed ingredients.
The authors conducted a study to determine how replacement of salmon meal with various animal protein meals in feed affected the growth performance of white shrimp.
Health & Welfare
New cost-effective additives, such as fishery byproducts, will likely be needed to meet the increasing demand for feeding stimulants by aquafeed producers.
Health & Welfare
Meat recovered from seafood processing byproducts could be combined with nutraceutical ingredients to form customizable seafood items.
Wastes produced during food processing can be treated to generate a valuable single-cell protein ingredient for aquafeed with protein and amino acid content similar to fishmeal.
Animal byproducts like blood meal, meat and bone meal and other rendered products are good sources of cholesterol for use in aquaculture feed.
Health & Welfare
Although its final quality can be variable, fish silage can be an effective protein supplement in feeds for various fish, shellfish and terrestrial animals.
Shrimp processing byproducts are constructively used in shrimp or fish feeds, livestock feeds and plant fertilizer. Chitin from shrimp exoskeletons is used in bandages and varied cosmetic products.
It is technologically feasible to recover functional muscle proteins and lipids from fish processing byproducts using isoelectric solubilization/precipitation.
West Virginia University developed a lipid and protein recovery process from byproducts that reduces disposal concerns in the process of fish processing.
Of all the sources of animal protein and energy available for aquafeeds, the largest is rendered animal byproducts.