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Biotechnology advances aquaculture and preserves species diversity
Biotechnology, as used in AquaBounty Atlantic salmon, can protect species diversity and improve the productivity of aquaculture.
From Our Sponsors
Recent study suggests that perceptions of genetically modified food are becoming more favorable, which is good news for biotechnology in aquaculture.
From Our Sponsors
Biotechnology, as used in AquaBounty Atlantic salmon, can protect species diversity and improve the productivity of aquaculture.
From Our Sponsors
With optimal water controls, AquaBounty’s state-of-the-art, land-based salmon farms offer several environmental advantages amid climate change risks.
Ron Stotish, CEO de AquaBounty Technologies, cree que el salmón genéticamente modificado no es una amenaza para sus oponentes y que la perspectiva de AquAdvantage es buena. Con la compra de la instalación RAS de Bell Fish Co., la comercialización comenzará pronto.
Innovation & Investment
Ron Stotish, CEO of AquaBounty Technologies, believes genetically modified salmon is no threat to its opponents and the outlook for AquAdvantage is good. With its purchase of the Bell Fish Co. RAS facility, commercialization will soon commence.
Innovation & Investment
Ron Stotish, CEO of AquaBounty Technologies, discusses being the first to produce a genetically modified (GM) farmed salmon deemed safe for consumption, the controversy surrounding his company's product and the potential of biotechnology.
Innovation & Investment
Investors see the good, bad and ugly aspects of the seafood industry. Experts at the IntraFish Seafood Investors Forum described the headwinds facing the market, like consumer confusion, while offering glimpses into their strategies (hint: patience is a virtue).
Innovation & Investment
Aquaculture is attractive to investors, but they remain wary of diseases that could stunt projections of massive growth. At the IntraFish Seafood Investors Forum in New York, discussion about the salmon industry and its challenges — antibiotics, genetically modified fish, Chile’s woes, sea lice — revealed both criticism and optimism.
Un artículo de FactCheck.org llegó a la conclusión de que los temores sobre el riesgo para la salud humana y para el medio ambiente que plantea el salmón GM carecen de fundamento. Mientras tanto, un grupo de ONG ambientales ha demandado a la Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos de EE.UU. sobre su aprobación de los peces el año pasado.
An article by FactCheck.org concluded that fears regarding risk to human and environmental health posed by GM salmon are unfounded. Meanwhile, a group of environmental NGOs has sued the U.S. Food and Drug Administration over its approval of the fish last year.
After a 20-year process, a genetically modified fish earned U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval, reigniting one of the seafood industry’s most intriguing controversies. Here are 10 key downloads from the groundbreaking decision over AquAdvantage salmon.
Health & Welfare
Transgenic salmon and trout developed by AquaBounty Technologies are minimally different from other farm-raised fish, but exhibit impressive and inheritable growth rates.