Innovation & Investment
Building a better net pen for aquaculture includes biofouling solutions
Aquaculture is witnessing a shift in net pen cleaning operations as some operators say biofouling is becoming “even worse than disease.”
Health & Welfare
FAI and Ethical Seafood Research launched the Tilapia Welfare Project in Egypt, the world's second-largest producer of the farmed fish species.
Innovation & Investment
Aquaculture is witnessing a shift in net pen cleaning operations as some operators say biofouling is becoming “even worse than disease.”
Health & Welfare
FAI Farms' website and training course is a resource hub with insights and practical solutions for optimizing shrimp welfare in aquaculture.
Health & Welfare
Development and testing of tilapia welfare assessment protocol begins alignment to procedures used for other aquatic, terrestrial farm animals.
Health & Welfare
An evaluation of passive acoustic telemetry techniques as a tool to monitor welfare of gilthead sea bream juveniles implanted with acoustic transmitters.
Health & Welfare
Food producers are educating themselves on the latest in animal health and welfare and humane harvesting and processing practices. A recent webinar highlighted issues specific to aquatic animals.
Health & Welfare
Although selection in fish is progressing rapidly, slower adaption to captivity over several generations can limit animal welfare problems.