Health & Welfare

Protein conversion efficiency in aquaculture

Prof. Boyd discusses the overall conversion efficiency of plant protein to animal protein (including pasture animals), which been estimated at 8.3 percent globally. The whole animal conversion for feed-based production is around 35 percent for chickens, 20 percent for swine, and 10 percent for beef. 

Efectos de la aireación mecánica sobre la tasa de evaporación, temperatura del agua
Article image for Efectos de la aireación mecánica sobre la tasa de evaporación, temperatura del agua


Efectos de la aireación mecánica sobre la tasa de evaporación, temperatura del agua

Este estudio comparó la temperatura del agua y la pérdida de agua por evaporación en estanques de control y en estanques aireados con aireadores de superficie a cuatro velocidades de aireación diferentes. El aumento de la tasa de aireación aumenta la tasa de evaporación, que a su vez reduce la temperatura del agua. 

Appraising pond liners for shrimp culture
Article image for Appraising pond liners for shrimp culture


Appraising pond liners for shrimp culture

The use of plastic-lined ponds by shrimp farmers can significantly improve production efficiency, support more production cycles per year, and higher mechanical aeration rates and stocking densities. The capital cost of lining ponds can be very significant, so a thorough feasibility analysis is recommended when considering this production tool. 

Estimating global shrimp pond area
Article image for Estimating global shrimp pond area


Estimating global shrimp pond area

This article by Dr. Claude Boyd reports on global estimates for shrimp pond area in several countries. Because land use is an important indicator of the environment impact of an activity, better data on the shrimp pond area and the areas devoted to other types of aquaculture are needed.