Trace minerals in tilapia fillets, part 2
In part 2 of this study, a seven-week fish feeding trial was conducted to study the influence of organic versus inorganic dietary selenium on Nile tilapia.
Health & Welfare
An evaluation of oxidative pre-slaughter stress on instrumental and sensory quality of Nile tilapia fillets finds that longer depuration times recommended.
In part 2 of this study, a seven-week fish feeding trial was conducted to study the influence of organic versus inorganic dietary selenium on Nile tilapia.
Part 1 of this study highlighted the importance of minerals in the diet of fish for meeting micronutrient requirements in the human diet.
Health & Welfare
In a study, tilapia were fed fish oil- or vegetable oil-based diets for five months, then switched to a fish oil finishing diet for three months. Growth and feeding efficiencies were not significantly compromised.