Health & Welfare
Live protozoa: Suitable live food for larval fish and shrimp?
Some ciliated protozoa (ciliates) may be a valuable complimentary source of nutrients for first feeding larval stages of farmed shrimp.
The potential for NIR spectroscopy for rapid and accurate prediction of the chemical composition of fishmeal and soybean meal deserves investigation.
Health & Welfare
Some ciliated protozoa (ciliates) may be a valuable complimentary source of nutrients for first feeding larval stages of farmed shrimp.
Dietary nutritional disorders in farmed aquatic animals can be broadly defined as diet-related imbalances due to “under-” or “over-” nutrition.
During the first year of AQUAFAN, a committee helped identify and prioritize needs of the shrimp farming and feeds industries.
Health & Welfare
Critical to the success of genetic improvement and the breeding program at OI is the use of specific pathogen free (SPF) shrimp stocks.
OI's Aquatic Feeds and Nutrition (AQUAFAN) program aims to technically support and assist the aquaculture and aquafeed manufacturing sector.
The hope is to help to dispel some of the myths and untruths surrounding the critical field of shrimp feeds and feeding practices.
Health & Welfare
With advanced bio-secure shrimp farming technologies, the industry will be able to expand with greater control against the spread of disease.