Health & Welfare
AHPND is a chronic disease in Pacific white shrimp from Latin America
There is a new phase of infection for Acute Hepatopancreatic Necrosis Disease on Latin American shrimp farms, a contrast to observations in Southeast Asia.
Health & Welfare
Hay una nueva fase de infección para la enfermedad de Necrosis Hepatopancreática Aguda en las granjas camaroneras de América Latina, en contraste con las observaciones del sudeste asiático.
Health & Welfare
There is a new phase of infection for Acute Hepatopancreatic Necrosis Disease on Latin American shrimp farms, a contrast to observations in Southeast Asia.
Health & Welfare
Un estudio demuestra una fuerte asociación entre el Síndrome de las Heces Blancas y Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei en regiones endémicas de EHP. Las estrategias de bioseguridad pueden minimizar el riesgo de propagación de patógenos en las Américas.
Health & Welfare
Study demonstrates strong association between White Feces Syndrome and Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei in EHP-endemic regions. Biosecurity strategies can minimize the risk of pathogen’s spread in the Americas.
Health & Welfare
Los autores describen los ensayos de PCR convencional y de PCR en tiempo real basados en el gen flgE de NHPB como métodos alternativos para la detección y cuantificación de NHPB en muestras de camarones y asociadas con camarones, incluyendo artemia.
Health & Welfare
Authors describe conventional PCR and real-time PCR assays based on the NHPB flgE gene as alternative methods for the detection and quantification of NHPB in shrimp and shrimp-associated samples, including artemia. This newly described method will be an additional diagnostic tool for confirmation of this pathogen.
Health & Welfare
Biosecurity strategies adopted by the shrimp industry in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia have resulted in historical production in 2015 and a similar forecast for 2016, and are a significant step towards the long-term goal of sustainable aquaculture.
Health & Welfare
Since Taura syndrome virus was in the Americas when yellow head virus become pandemic in Asia, it is possible TSV prevented shrimp in the Western Hemisphere from infection by materials from Asia containing YHV. To test this idea, the authors evaluated the viral interactions in shrimp preinfected with TSV and then challenged with YHV.
Health & Welfare
In an NHP (necrotizing hepatopancreatitis) challenge test, shrimp from a Colombian breeding program had higher resistance and 30 percent greater survival than a control line of Taura syndrome virus-free shrimp.