The AI tool that aims to make bottom trawling smarter and prevent bycatch and discards
Smartrawl employs AI-enabled cameras and innovative gate hardware on fishing nets to enable bottom trawlers to sort fish, reducing bycatch.
Innovation & Investment
To reduce predation and increase catch, GenusWave uses brief sounds to startle marine mammals, using technology to target specific species.
Smartrawl employs AI-enabled cameras and innovative gate hardware on fishing nets to enable bottom trawlers to sort fish, reducing bycatch.
Innovation & Investment
La IA está mejorando los procesos de clasificación por género y optimizando la evaluación de la calidad y la producción de la acuacultura del salmón del Atlántico.
Innovation & Investment
AI is enhancing gender-sorting processes and optimizing quality assessment and production of Atlantic salmon aquaculture.
Ocean noise from human activity can change fish behavior like feeding, but new technologies and techniques can minimize the stress.
Innovation & Investment
Con financiación de investigación del USDA, Sherlock Biosciences y el Gloucester Marine Genomics Institute comercializarán pruebas de diagnóstico para enfermedades del camarón.
Innovation & Investment
With USDA research funding, Sherlock Biosciences and the Gloucester Marine Genomics Institute will commercialize diagnostic tests for shrimp diseases.
Innovation & Investment
A feed supplement protein produced by AQUIT in Chile helps farmed salmon ward off disease while improving their overall health and growth.
New offshore aquaculture company Petros will soon farm northern red snapper off the coast of Aruba. They talk to the Advocate about their plans.
Innovation & Investment
With patented modular fish enclosures, sensors and software, Forever Oceans uses offshore aquaculture to raise Kanpachi fish, with bold expansion plans ahead.
Mining can degrade water quality and impact fisheries, but some consider the Pebble Mine in Alaska as necessary for the metals for green tech.
Los incendios forestales son una amenaza creciente que podría afectar a la acuacultura debido al aumento del humo, el empeoramiento de la calidad del agua y las gotas de retardantes de fuego.
Wildfires are a growing threat that could impact aquaculture due to increasing smoke, worsening water quality and fire-retardant drops.
Innovation & Investment
GOAL 22: Monosex sterile fish are good for farms but not hatcheries. The Center for Aquaculture Technologies solves this paradox at commercial scale with novel gene-editing technology.
El análisis de elementos químicos traza puede revelar de dónde provienen los productos del mar cultivados. La estandarización de las herramientas y técnicas de rastreabilidad está mejorando el proceso.
Analysis of trace chemical elements can reveal where farmed seafood comes from. Standardization of traceability tools and techniques is improving the process.