Could a virtual reality tool boost the health and safety for divers on fish farms?
Researchers are developing a new diving virtual reality tool that could reduce diving time and enhance the efficiency of aquaculture operations.
Health & Welfare
Underwater Contracting and Mowi plan to expand ROV use in salmon farming to boost efficiency and fish welfare in aquaculture.
Researchers are developing a new diving virtual reality tool that could reduce diving time and enhance the efficiency of aquaculture operations.
Management of fisheries in Alaska, the Pacific Northwest and the Gulf of Maine are starting to be informed by decades’ worth of data collection using remotely operated vehicles and autonomous underwater vehicles.
A review of technology usage in finfish aquaculture, future application possibilities for precision fish farming (PFF) and guidelines for research.
Innovation & Investment
Los avances tecnológicos están revolucionando la acuacultura. Desde las herramientas de inspección aero-transportadas a los drones submarinos, la tecnología robótica innovadora y de automatización están desvelando un nuevo y valiente mundo de la acuacultura futurista.