How restorative aquaculture is lending a helping hand to declining fish species
Researchers explore how effectively restorative aquaculture can enhance declining fisheries and safeguard native fish populations.
Los investigadores exploran con qué eficacia la acuacultura restaurativa puede mejorar las pesquerías en declive y salvaguardar las poblaciones de peces nativos.
Researchers explore how effectively restorative aquaculture can enhance declining fisheries and safeguard native fish populations.
NOAA Sea Grant will support projects to remove and recycle marine debris, improve fishing net technology and develop community partnerships.
Innovation & Investment
La Gran Isla de Hawaii, hogar de uno de los centros de acuacultura más innovadores y diversos del mundo, albergará la próxima cohorte Hatch.
Innovation & Investment
The Big Island of Hawaii, home to one of the world’s most innovative and diverse aquaculture centers, will host the next Hatch cohort.
Health & Welfare
El siguiente paso para la cría de camarones será el desarrollo de animales que no sólo están libres de enfermedades, sino que son cada vez más resistentes a múltiples patógenos. La industria se está globalizando, con proveedores estableciéndose en el extranjero. Pero su lugar de nacimiento siempre será Hawaii.
Health & Welfare
The next step for shrimp breeding will be developing animals that aren’t just disease-free, but increasingly resistant to multiple pathogens. The industry is globalizing, with suppliers setting up shop overseas. But its birthplace will always be Hawaii.
Innovation & Investment
With his book, “Aquaculture: Will it Rise to Its Potential to Feed the World?” hot off the presses, the pioneer abalone farmer vents on U.S. aquaculture regulations but remains deeply optimistic about fish farming.
Health & Welfare
Since 2001, Moana Technologies has worked toward providing domesticated, genetically improved and specific pathogen-free (SPF) black tiger shrimp to farmers in Asia. Based in Hawaii, USA, Moana built a breeding base on wild-caught broodstock from seven locations in Asia.