Consumers skeptical of insect and algae in salmon feed, study finds
Nofima research reveals consumer reservations about insect and algae-based salmon feed, emphasizing the need for greater awareness.
Health & Welfare
Most southern Europeans support humane fish slaughter, underscoring the value of animal welfare for Greece’s aquaculture industry.
Nofima research reveals consumer reservations about insect and algae-based salmon feed, emphasizing the need for greater awareness.
Consumers value animal welfare over sustainability, highlighting the need for labeling strategies to target consumer preferences.
Cusk could become a commercial success with expanded availability and marketing strategies, Norwegian researchers conclude.
Alternative proteins like insect meals are not yet fully accepted, so this study sought to understand consumer preferences for a popular fish raised on insect-based feeds.
Media coverage fuels negative perceptions of farmed shrimp among Europeans. A paper – similar to one on pangasius consumption four years ago – finds the sector is doing too little to rectify ill-founded notions.
Surveys shared at the Atlantic Canada Fish Farmer Association’s 2018 Aquaculture Forum show that consumers aren’t completely swayed by negative media.
Health & Welfare
There’s an opportunity to expand the U.S. market for farmed seafood if the aquaculture industry were to more widely adopt humane production practices, according to a study by Changing Tastes and Datassential.
Household surveys have been carried out annually since 2012 in France, Germany and the UK on perceptions and consumption patterns for salmon and meat from agriculture. Results show that salmon is generally perceived as having more beneficial effects than chicken on brain development, bone development, certain cancer risks and coronary heart disease risk.
In a discussion format somewhat unique to the bustling halls of Seafood Expo North America, aquaculture backers lamented the lackluster U.S. consumer acceptance for farmed fish.
Vietnam’s pangasius industry captivated the global seafood industry, environmental organizations and the mass media. A scientific look at harmful substances detected in exported fillets and the reporting of the associated health risks through the media finds wide disparities.