Best practices for optimum shrimp feeds
Producing a consistent shrimp feed pellet requires that all ingredients are processed properly and monitored through proper in-line quality assurance.
Aquafeed formulas should perform under an optimal set of processing parameters to achieve desired attributes, maximizing nutritional value and extruder output.
Producing a consistent shrimp feed pellet requires that all ingredients are processed properly and monitored through proper in-line quality assurance.
El pre-acondicionamiento es un paso importante en la fabricación de alimentos acuícolas, ya que aumenta el contenido de humedad y la temperatura de las partículas de harinas de ingrediente, lo cual es clave para alcanzar una alta hidro-estabilidad que es deseable en estos alimentos.
Preconditioning is an important step in the manufacturing of aquafeeds, because it increases the moisture content and temperature of ingredient meal particles, which is key to reach a high water stability desired in aquafeeds. Pre-conditioner efficiency requires consistent particle size and adequate mixing, residence time and fill ratio.