Understanding the oxygen demand of aquafeeds
Manufactured aquafeeds, if improperly managed, can result in undesirable oxygen demand that can reduce dissolved oxygen levels and pollution through effluents, and stress cultured animals.
The major sources of ammonia in aquaculture ponds are fertilizers and feeds, and problems with high ammonia are most common in feed-based aquaculture.
Manufactured aquafeeds, if improperly managed, can result in undesirable oxygen demand that can reduce dissolved oxygen levels and pollution through effluents, and stress cultured animals.
Proper monitoring of water quality in aquaculture production systems is critical to enable appropriate and timely management decisions. It requires reliable equipment, trained technicians that follow instructions and apply quality control measures, proper reagents and calibrated equipment, and appropriately collected water samples that are promptly analyzed.
Innovation & Investment
The water quality in recirculating aquaculture systems is generally a function of the tank size, biomass, feed inputs and waste treatment efficiency. Adequate biofiltration can control the build-up of ammonia-nitrogen and nitrate-nitrogen in the systems.