
Evaluación de revestimientos plásticos de estanques para el cultivo del camarón

El uso de estanques con revestimiento de plástico por parte de los productores de camarón puede mejorar significativamente la eficiencia de la producción, soportar más ciclos de producción por año y mayores índices de aireación mecánica y densidades de siembra. 

Appraising pond liners for shrimp culture
Article image for Appraising pond liners for shrimp culture


Appraising pond liners for shrimp culture

The use of plastic-lined ponds by shrimp farmers can significantly improve production efficiency, support more production cycles per year, and higher mechanical aeration rates and stocking densities. The capital cost of lining ponds can be very significant, so a thorough feasibility analysis is recommended when considering this production tool. 

A look at phospholipids in aquafeeds
Article image for A look at phospholipids in aquafeeds


A look at phospholipids in aquafeeds

Phospholipids are the major constituents of cell membranes and are vital to the normal function of every cell and organ. The inclusion of phospholipids in aquafeeds ensures increased growth, better survival and stress resistance, and prevention of skeletal deformities of larval and juvenile stages of fish and shellfish species.