Health & Welfare
Effects of pre-slaughter stress on the fillet quality of Nile tilapia
Higher holding densities and asphyxiation increase stress, damaging flesh, while lower densities reduce stress and improve fillet quality.
Health & Welfare
Study provides insights into the adaptation of Pacific white shrimp to ammonia stress by enhancing immune function through tannins in feeds.
Health & Welfare
Higher holding densities and asphyxiation increase stress, damaging flesh, while lower densities reduce stress and improve fillet quality.
Health & Welfare
An estimation model identifies genetic variances across mating combinations for stress resistance traits and families with heightened stress tolerance.
Innovation & Investment
East Coast Innovation's Voluntary Swim-In fish transportation technology minimizes fish stress and enhances survival rates for aquaculture.
Health & Welfare
With research showing that stress can damage meat quality, fish and shrimp farmers are weighing the latest animal welfare solutions.
Health & Welfare
In a study, L. vannamei shrimp showed rapid absorption elimination of the sedative eugenol. Results include recommended withdrawal periods.
Health & Welfare
The University of Waterloo has opened a new research facility to study the effects of climate change on fish stress.
Nofima is developing a methodology to help aquaculture understand climate-change-related stress for species like cod, salmon and lumpfish.
Health & Welfare
In these early stages of understanding how microbiome changes impact animal health, use caution in interpreting lab results and how they may apply to the real world.
Health & Welfare
El uso preventivo de sal común (cloruro de sodio) por los productores comerciales de peces de agua dulce tiene muchos beneficios, incluyendo ayudar a la prevención de rutina de pérdidas debidas a las enfermedades, el estrés y el mal manejo durante el transporte, recolección, clasificación, conteo, pesaje y desove inducido.
Health & Welfare
Vibrio infections are an increasingly common problem in intensive shrimp culture. As evidenced by study results, weekly Vibrio monitoring can be a useful tool for predicting bacterial disease outbreaks.
A study was performed to determine the effects of puerarin, a biologically active ingredient in the roots of kudzu, on stress modulation in farmed salmon.
Health & Welfare
Although selection in fish is progressing rapidly, slower adaption to captivity over several generations can limit animal welfare problems.
Health & Welfare
Authors tested a commercial probiotic designed to lower stress prior to and during fish transport. Treatment at 10 ppm produced highest survival and growth.