Health & Welfare
Use of copper sulfate in fish and shrimp ponds
Copper sulfate is a cost-effective algae control for aquaculture ponds but producers should consider alternative products or management practices.
Innovation & Investment
New fiber technology reduces off-flavors and water mold in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS), boosting efficiency and improving fish quality.
Health & Welfare
Copper sulfate is a cost-effective algae control for aquaculture ponds but producers should consider alternative products or management practices.
Innovation & Investment
BioFishency has launched the first-ever electro-chemical removal from water and fish tissues, eliminating off-flavors in trout.
Evaluating off-flavor depuration time in Nile tilapia shows it is strongly reduced when farmers adopt a practice of feeding the fish.
Health & Welfare
This study in an outdoor biofloc technology production system evaluated impacts on fish production indices, common microbial off-flavors and water quality dynamics for hybrid tilapia.
Health & Welfare
Although causes of pre-harvest off-flavors in catfish differ due to climate, water quality and pond hydrology, blue-green algae is a common culprit.