Health & Welfare
Pacific white shrimp responses to temperature fluctuations at low salinity
An investigation of several physiological responses in L. vannamei juveniles subjected to temperature fluctuations in low-salinity water.
Health & Welfare
Evaluating physiological strategies of L. vannamei to adapt to low salinity, with insights into the significance of lipids for shrimp osmoregulation.
Health & Welfare
An investigation of several physiological responses in L. vannamei juveniles subjected to temperature fluctuations in low-salinity water.
Health & Welfare
Study shows it is possible to improve shrimp production in low-salinity waters by correcting magnesium and potassium deficiencies.
Ionic imbalance in low-salinity culture water may negatively influence shrimp survival and growth, and it is common to apply various mineral salts to low-salinity shrimp ponds.
In a white shrimp farm trial in a low-salinity environment, alternatives to fishmeal did not negatively impact the growth, survival or FCR of the shrimp.
Health & Welfare
Virginia Tech Aquaculture Research Group collaborated with MariCal to examine commercial feasibility of raising cobia in RAS under low-salinity conditions.
There is increasing interest in low-salinity shrimp culture in inland areas because it is thought that disease control is easier to implement.
Some producers take advantage of shrimp's ability to tolerate a broad range of salinity variations by rearing in low-salinity waters.