How India became the world’s top shrimp producer
Despite ongoing challenges, Indian shrimp farmers have achieved major developments in hatchery, farm grow-out and feed-manufacturing technologies.
A pesar de los desafíos en curso, los productores de camarón de la India han logrado importantes avances en las tecnologías de criadero, engorde en granjas y fabricación de alimentos.
Despite ongoing challenges, Indian shrimp farmers have achieved major developments in hatchery, farm grow-out and feed-manufacturing technologies.
Health & Welfare
Nutrition research run in conjunction with the breeding program ensures that cost-effective feeds are optimized for shrimp performance for a five-year project undertaken in Brunei Darussalam to develop advanced technology for production of large black tiger shrimp.
Key molecules found in animal byproduct hydrolysates show potential for use as functional ingredients in aquaculture feeds. Animal co-product hydrolysates from slaughterhouse waste and rendered animal byproducts present a protein alternative.