Health & Welfare
Enteritis induction by soybean meal in totoaba diets
This study investigated the effects of increasing levels of dietary soybean meal (SBM) with constant taurine supply in the induction of enteritis in juvenile totoaba.
Earth Ocean Farms has released another 30,000 juvenile totoaba into the Sea of Cortez in an effort to replenish stocks of the endangered fish.
Health & Welfare
This study investigated the effects of increasing levels of dietary soybean meal (SBM) with constant taurine supply in the induction of enteritis in juvenile totoaba.
The tenuous fate of a pint-sized porpoise, the critically endangered vaquita, is linked to a fish targeted by poachers fueling China’s appetite for maws. The vaquita remains in peril, but aquaculture presents some hope for the totoaba.
Boasting ample areas for aquaculture and a robust domestic demand for seafood – not to mention its close proximity to the U.S. market – a land of opportunity lies in Mexico. Fish farming is primed to meet its potential south of the border.
Con amplias áreas para la acuacultura y una sólida demanda interna de pescados y mariscos – sin mencionar su cercanía con el mercado de los Estados Unidos – una tierra de oportunidad se encuentra en México. La piscicultura está preparada para satisfacer su potencial al sur de la frontera.
Totoaba, a large, fast-growing fish of the Gulf of California, became endangered due to overfishing. The Mexican government therefore created an aquaculture program in Baja California to support restocking for the recovery of wild totoaba stocks.
Health & Welfare
Hubbs-SeaWorld Research Institute and Universidad Autónoma de Baja California are working to produce improved broodstock diets for white sea bass and totoaba.