Walton Family Foundation poll finds strong backing for sustainable seafood
A poll commissioned by the Walton Family Foundation finds most Americans believe ocean health and sustainable seafood need urgent protection.
Progress in sustainable seafood production is notable but uneven, according to the latest Sustainable Fisheries Partnership report.
A poll commissioned by the Walton Family Foundation finds most Americans believe ocean health and sustainable seafood need urgent protection.
The Tokyo Sustainable Seafood Summit tackled tough topics like antimicrobials, traceability, IUU fishing and plastic pollution.
Michael Tlusty and Øistein Thorsen, authors of the recently published paper, “Claiming seafood is sustainable risks limiting improvements,” delve into the declarations made by companies and remind all that sustainability is a journey, not a destination.
Ongoing research on foodservice professionals reveals ever-growing pressure on seafood suppliers to procure safe, sustainable and high-quality seafood and provide them with all the intricate information they may require. Chefs are pressed for resources and many lack the time to grasp this complex issue.