Innovation & Investment
‘This job is not for a person’: Underwater robots take on tough tasks in aquaculture
Underwater robots are automating the cleaning and inspection of fish pen nets, reducing risks for humans and improving fish health.
Innovation & Investment
Los robots submarinos están automatizando la limpieza e inspección de las redes de corrales de peces, lo que reduce los riesgos para los humanos y mejora la salud de los peces.
Innovation & Investment
Underwater robots are automating the cleaning and inspection of fish pen nets, reducing risks for humans and improving fish health.
Innovation & Investment
La acuacultura está siendo testigo de un cambio en las operaciones de limpieza de corrales de redes, ya que algunos operadores dicen que la bioincrustación se está volviendo "incluso peor que la enfermedad."
Innovation & Investment
Aquaculture is witnessing a shift in net pen cleaning operations as some operators say biofouling is becoming “even worse than disease.”
Health & Welfare
A new scalable modular concept for lobster culture developed in Norway relies on automation to perform most production procedures.
Small autonomous vehicles provide an environmentally friendly approach to labor-intensive methods used to maintain production and water quality.