Health & Welfare
New research explains what black and red spots on salmon fillets indicate
Black spots on salmon fillets differ in origin from red spots, prompting scientific exploration beyond just bleeding causes.
Health & Welfare
A new Nofima study reveals that mechanical delousing and fast growth negatively impact salmon fillet color.
Health & Welfare
Black spots on salmon fillets differ in origin from red spots, prompting scientific exploration beyond just bleeding causes.
Shrimp color is critically important because of the visual impact and the ability to command higher prices. To some, it’s also a signal of good health.
Are Norwegian salmon fillets getting paler? Researchers there are poring over pigmentation data to find commonalities in the color of salmon.
The yellow coloration in catfish fillets caused by carotenoids does not affect flavor, but many consumers see the yellowish fillets as inferior.
Health & Welfare
Successful non-invasive predictions of pigment and fat levels in whole salmon were demonstrated by the authors using visible and near infrared spectroscopy to study how these traits vary genetically during growth.