Uncertain times for oyster larvae production in North America
Oyster larvae producers say information sharing and perseverance are seeing them through a prolonged stretch of high larval-stage mortalities.
Researchers say native oyster reefs in the Great Bay Estuary cover about 80 acres thanks to restoration efforts over the past two decades.
Oyster larvae producers say information sharing and perseverance are seeing them through a prolonged stretch of high larval-stage mortalities.
Innovation & Investment
Initially, a new chip loaded with oyster DNA pieces will identify oysters resistant to the herpes virus, but in the future it may be able to identify oysters with other desirable characteristics, such as faster growth rates.
The Lower Hudson Estuary and Chesapeake Bay, two waterways once home to thriving oyster beds, would welcome the shellfish’s return. Aquaculture initiatives in both areas aim to reinvigorate the water and the communities they support.
Environmental and other challenges have led to reduced harvests of wild oysters in the United States. In a study, the authors evaluated oysters cultured in a recirculating aquaculture system with zero water exchange for several months.
Health & Welfare
In southern Brazil, management data for Pacific cupped oyster culture were assessed to characterize production in relation to environmental parameters.
Through the integration of aquaculture and the involvement of residents, the U.S. state of Delaware is working to restore its native oyster populations.
Health & Welfare
Oyster farming in South Australia has become a highly productive and sustainable venture. A quality-control program, new grading systems and government support can help increase oyster exports.
Health & Welfare
Oyster spat survival will be a selected trait for a full-scale, family-based selective breeding program being discussed with the French oyster industry.