Defining and monitoring destructive fishing represents a new era in fisheries policy
Thanks to a new multistakeholder framework, researchers are a step closer to better understanding destructive fishing and addressing its impacts.
ISSF’s latest report shows 99.1 percent of participating tuna companies comply with 33 conservation measures.
Thanks to a new multistakeholder framework, researchers are a step closer to better understanding destructive fishing and addressing its impacts.
The Kellogg Dam removal is expected to enhance critical spawning habitats and reduce environmental hazards for threatened fish species.
To replenish adult spawners, marine protected areas, or MPAs, need strong enforcement, effective management and climate-friendly design to succeed.
A study finds that Marine Protected Areas must be "flexible and responsive" to successfully restore fish stocks without harming communities.
The Salmon Scotland Wild Fisheries Fund will invest in supporting the conservation of Scotland’s wild Atlantic salmon.
An AI-powered model developed by researchers "vastly outperformed" humans in correctly identifying the gender of horsehair crabs.
New study suggests conservation and fisheries management help tunas and billfishes recover, but shark biodiversity continues to decline.
With sharks and rays critically endangered, the government of Bangladesh has amended legislation to reduce the extinction risk of the species.