Primer ensayo de cultivo de tilapia del Nilo vacunada en IPRS en Colombia
Se realizó un estudio para evaluar la producción de juveniles de tilapia vacunados contra Streptococcus agalactiae tipo B en raceways de IPRS.
Integrating solar energy into red tilapia biofloc systems reduces operating energy costs but increases initial and depreciation expenses.
Se realizó un estudio para evaluar la producción de juveniles de tilapia vacunados contra Streptococcus agalactiae tipo B en raceways de IPRS.
A study was conducted to evaluate the production of tilapia juveniles vaccinated against Streptococcus agalactiae type B in IPRS raceways.
Health & Welfare
Se ha iniciado un esfuerzo internacional de investigación para encontrar una solución para el Virus del Lago de Tilapia (TiLV), un contagio que causa altas tasas de mortalidad en poblaciones de tilapia cultivada y silvestre en Israel, Colombia, Ecuador, Egipto y Tailandia.
Health & Welfare
An international research effort has commenced to find a solution for Tilapia Lake Virus (TiLV), a contagion causing high rates of mortality in farmed and wild tilapia stocks in Israel, Colombia, Ecuador, Egypt and Thailand.
Colombian aquaculture production and exports have grown significantly during the last two years, due to a large degree to the efforts of the industry and the producers’ guild, but FEDEACUA has had an instrumental role supporting producers to achieve various industry international certification standards.
Circulation makes use of the very large amount of dissolved oxygen present on the pond's surface and distributes it down to the bottom.