Innovation & Investment
New digital tools aspire to improve sustainable shrimp production in Bangladesh
A set of digital tools makes biosecurity training "more engaging and accessible," improving sustainable shrimp production in Bangladesh.
A study reveals that effective climate data services could help fish farmers in Bangladesh reduce aquaculture losses caused by climate change.
Innovation & Investment
A set of digital tools makes biosecurity training "more engaging and accessible," improving sustainable shrimp production in Bangladesh.
With improver programs and branding opportunities for its black tiger producers, Bangladesh shrimp farming eyes a more profitable future.
A new study indicates that the prawn and shrimp farm industry in Bangladesh offers local health, economic and environmental benefits.
With sharks and rays critically endangered, the government of Bangladesh has amended legislation to reduce the extinction risk of the species.
As more than 80 percent of Bangladeshi shrimp exports already go to EU markets, a consultation meeting involving buyers from the bloc and Bangladesh industry stakeholders and authorities was held at the end of last month in Utrecht, the Netherlands.
El cultivo de tilapia en Bangladesh se ha desarrollado considerablemente desde 1999, basada en la cepa de Tilapia Cultivada Genéticamente Mejorada (GIFT) de la tilapia del Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus) introducida de Malasia y en el importante trabajo de investigación del Instituto de Investigaciones Pesqueras de Bangladesh (BFRI).
Tilapia aquaculture in Bangladesh has developed significantly since 1999, based on the Genetically Improved Farmed Tilapia (GIFT) strain of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) introduced from Malaysia and on the significant genetic improvement research work by the Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute (BFRI).
The Southwestern coastal zone of Bangladesh is agro-based and one of the world’s most populous, poverty-stricken and food-insecure regions. There is an opportunity to diversify and increase productivity by integrating rice with aquaculture during the monsoon season through adoption of water management practices.
Shrimp culture in coastal Bangladesh is threatened by climate change variables that include flooding, cyclones, drought, salinity changes and rising sea levels. Holistic planning can help reduce the impacts.
Health & Welfare
Bangladesh shrimp farmers are adopting measures to improve quality to comply with international standards. A survey found that most farmers visually evaluated shrimp by checking size, weight and signs of disease before harvesting.
The social and environmental improvements – in combination with job-generating foreign investment – have led to wide acceptance of shrimp farming in Bangladesh.
Fish supply is a food security priority in Bangladesh. There is potential for the culture of non-native fish species to meet its growing population's needs.
In a study of pond polyculture, manipulation of species composition improved fish yield and corresponding income. Selling the whole production increased income 27 percent.
The inadequate supply of postlarvae is a bottleneck for prawn production in Bangladesh. A shortage of wild broodstock to supply the hatcheries is an ongoing concern.
While Bangladesh's prawn industry is based on pond culture, a feasibility study was conducted to establish prawn cage culture to benefit resource-poor fishers and landless people.